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Sustainability in Kufstein


“Sustainability means taking responsibility for our actions and using resources efficiently. We need to understand that we are part of this system on planet Earth and every action has an impact. We therefore need to reduce this impact. Together. It is the only realistic and meaningful way to secure our livelihood and consequently our future.”

Conscious. sustainable. For our future.

Historically, a meaningful way of using resources was very common. We exploited the planet just as much as necessary and as little as possible. Many of us cannot even imagine how much of an impact our way of living has on planet Earth. More conscious actions in daily life and consumer behaviour can reduce the usage of resources significantly.

Therefore, from now on you will find suggestions for a better, more conscious and future-oriented living on this website. Sustainable projects in the city of Kufstein as well as explanations about technical terms can also be found on this page. We offer you sustainable life hacks on the topics of waste reduction, saving resources, DIY tutorials for lotions and cleansers or articles about ethics and the impact of consumption.

It all starts with us.

Nachhaltigkeit Einleitung

Hi, my name is Nathalie and I am a big fan of conscious and natural living. I started my job as a designee for sustainability for the city of Kufstein in January 2020. This is how environmental and sustainability topics find a voice now. Climate protection is nothing new in Kufstein. It is a “Klima-aktiv,” “Klimabündnis” and e5 city. Because we think that we need to be a role model for our citizens and other cities.

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